Monday, May 16, 2011

Diver Down

I mentioned at the beginning of the outreach that the Engineering team is challenged everyday with issues in the engine room. One of the main struggles that we have been having while in Freetown, is the amount of garbage in the water. It seems the more it rains, the more the garbage flows into the water and surrounds the ship.

We have intakes at the bottom of the ship that take in the ocean water to help cool the generators. These intakes get blocked from the outside and on the inside the filters get clogged up as well. This causes great problems to the A/C and the generators.

Divers go down every day to clear the intakes on the outside and in the Engine room the engine hands clean the filters every 30 - 60 minutes. This is a difficult and hard job for both the divers and engine room team.

This picture shows Olly and Dan diving in the garbage floating next to the ship.

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