Friday, February 25, 2011

Goodbye Appelsbosch, Hello Home

After 5 months of living in a remote place called Appelsbosch, a college campus that had been empty for a long time (about 1 1/2 hour outside Durban, South Africa), we moved back to the ship end January.

So many thing have been achieved during our time in Shipyard that it is almost impossible to list all..therefore a few things;

Replacement of 6 old, generators with 4 super efficient, more economical and environmentally friendly brand new MAN generators;

Replacement of 2 old and unreliable air conditioning SABRO units with 2 shiny new and reliable Carrier units;

New engine room piping for cooling salt water, fire mains, heavy fuel, diesel fuel, fresh water, etc;

Replacement of engine controls in engine room and bridge;

7km of new cables between engines and bridge;

Modification of electrical switchboard;

New shelving in Deck 6 and Deck 2 food stores;

All lifeboats, life-rafts, and lifeboat davits serviced and all cables renewed;

Elevator converted from manual to electronic, with fancy new controls;

All fire-fighting and SCUBA equipment repaired/serviced;

New Mercy Ships logo on funnel and along side;

Pool modified with installation of wave catchers;

More sprinklers installed in cargo hold;

Damaged windows replaced with new ones;

Main engines overhauled;

Tons and tons of provisions loaded;

All Land Rovers and Nissans repaired and serviced;

Ananda worked onboard during the week and came to Appelsbosch during the weekend to be with the family. We are glad that we are back together onboard reunited not only as a family but also with the rest of our ship family!

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